I have been spending a lot of time in airports lately and the hours of people watching, which sometimes nearly resulted in fashion-related public outbursts of anger, inspired me to write some fashion Dos and Don'ts for women and men. It's also a good way to remind people to do some spring cleaning...throw out those ugly clothes please!
I just learned a new word today: evergreen. Evergreen topics are ones that last and don't change quickly...like a classic instead of a fleeting trend. Some of my Dos and Donts relate to current fashion trends that I just personally love (or hate) and some are...evergreen.
Let's start with men since I don't have as much to say about them...and I will focus on casual wear:
- DON'T wear any sort of hat backwards
- DO try wearing other types of hats besides the baseball variety
- DON'T wear pants that are too short
- DO make sure that your pants break at the tops of your shoes
- DON'T wear shirts that are stretched out around the neck
- DO throw out old cotton shirts because they don't hold their shape for very long
- DON'T wear your shirt tucked in halfway
- DO tuck it in or don't...make a choice and stick with it
- DON'T wear Crocs
- DO wear comfortable flip flops or man sandals
- DON'T wear jeans made of thin fabric
- DO invest in real quality denim that has some structure to it...you wear them enough that it's worth it!
- DON'T spend much time worrying about your hair
- DO get a good haircut and it will pretty much take care of itself
- DON'T wear strong colognes or any of those cheap body sprays
- DO smell clean and fresh like soap and a hint of aftershave
- DON'T be underdressed
- DO be overdressed
- DON'T wear wool suit coats with jeans
- DO wear a cotton blazer with jeans
- DON'T think that any tie is a good tie...most ties are hideous
- DO keep it simple and spend time finding a quality versatile tie
- DON'T wear the same clothes you've been wearing since high school
- DO feel comfortable taking some fashion risks

1 comment:
That's funny. I think a solid 85 percent of your don'ts are things I do on a weekly basis. No wonder.
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