Thursday, March 11, 2010

good night mcqueen


A beautiful article about Alexander McQueen's last show by The New Yorker's Judith Thurman:
"Like the ingenious castaway he resembled, McQueen could fashion a masterpiece of couture from the skins of creatures who had died or moulted on his beach; from the the leaves, plumage, reeds, fungus, and fur that he scavenged in his jungle; and from dreams of a lost world. His senses were attuned both to the beauty and the menace around him. A dress, he proved, can be a talisman of sex and death; a paradox of confinement and escape; a hybrid of nature and artifice; or the sheath for the body of a mutant species." (Judith Thurman, The New Yorker, 3/10/10)
You can read the entire short article online at McQueen's Final Show on

A slideshow of the 16 final looks:

Fall 2010 Ready-To-Wear Alexander McQueen

Beauty and darkness.

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1 comment:

Josie said...

His final collection was amazing. So completely beautiful.
It's my first time on your blog and I love it -- can't wait for more!
xxoo Josie